Thursday, August 6, 2009

Surya Jyoti

"Suryo Jyoti Jyoti Surya Swaha" - Yajurved

The Sun(surya) leads to knowledge and knowledge leads to illumination(2nd ref to surya).

Why Surya is source of knowledge ? What is knowledge ? Why is it so important ?

Time exists because we perceive past, present and future. If we stop thinking of past present and future time gets irrelevant.Likewise life exists if we have desires which are related with time. Thus essence of life is time leading to desires leading to karma which leads to life. All desires relate to an event in past, present or future.Thus desire is male and time is female cause it bears the semen of desires and gives birth to Karma . man is just a carrier of karma become the parent as well as child of this thing called karma

Now lets do this - ignore time , how ? by ignoring desires. The moment you are desireless time is irrelevant as you no long care about it. Art of ignoring desire is simple , put a cork at root source - root source is mind . Thus mind is father of desire and mother of time. So if no mind - no desire and no time. So time exist if mind exist. matter exist if desire exist and desire exist if mind exist.

Now mind is corked,time is still. Then it leaves with Space - the other dimension of life. Space without mind-desire-matter is void.Now inverse the thought. Thus this void is creator of space which created matter which created mind etc etc.

This void is source of jyoti fm jyoti comes surya(matter). If you feel your life is void its good cause you nutured fm the most supreme father.

Iti Sampamtam ! Jai Gurudev !

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